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How Important the Preparation

Before we have to do something, especially something important, here, I mean like have to be a master of ceremony, have to presentation in front of the class, or have a test such as national examination, and something else. Something like that is very crucial.

And to get nice result on national examination, to present nice presentation in front of our class, or to perform master of ceremony amazingly that can guide audience in order that the event go on smooth, we must, must have some preparation.

Preparation is very important. Without any preparation, our opportunity to achieve our willingness is very very little. It means, with preparation we can enlarge our opportunity to achieve the good one we want such as was mentioned before.

Sometimes although we have prepare so many and long time before the event deadline, it still has something happen that we did not predict before. So, how it will be if there is no preparation? Sure it will be more more poor than that one.

Many succesful people said that, preparation is everything. There are hundred reason to said that, with preparation we will be more ready to something event. With preparation our skill will be more good than before. With preparation we will have more experience than before. Until, it is natural if we say preparation is everything, right?

There are many advantages if we do preparation before the deadline of the event. And the advantage is based on what the preparation that we do.

For example is, knowing your battle ground. With preparation you will know what should you do to achieve your something goal in an event. With preparation you will know like what your rivals are. How their skill to compete with you. With preparation you can know how difficult the event for you, how your ready level to that event, until you will can decide what next you will do to yourself.

Other example is, simulation. Simulation will add our experience, it is clear. With simulation we can feel directly like what that we will feel later, in the real event. And sure it can decrease our nerveous. With simulation we can know what is our lack. With simulation we can know what we should increase in ourselves to undergo the event.

So, more experience better, more experience more ready. And more experience less nerveous.

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How Important the Preparation